Home From Hopsital

Over the years we have supported our local communities with an enormous range of care requests. Often the first time there is a need for support is when a person is coming out of hospital. Perhaps the person thought they were going to recover from an operation more quickly or they were hospitalised as an emergency, and now need some support whilst they get back on their feet.

Before an elderly person leaves hospital the member of staff responsible for discharge should make sure any agreed support is in place, any agreed services are ready to start, any adaptations have been made to the home and any equipment delivered.

Working with the hospital we provide hourly home care ( also known as domiciliary care) where we provide quality care and support in the comfort and safety of the home. Our team is run by a qualified health professional so you can be assured of care continuing from the hospital into the home.

  • Medicine management

  • Bathing and dressing

  • Catheter care and continence management

  • Diet management – checking fluid levels and ensuring there is a balanced diet

  • Assisting with routine household chores and shopping

  • Prescription collection, going to the bank or post office

  • Escort to hospital or doctor

  • Provide a food parcel on the day of discharge

  • Provide advice on voluntary services

  • Companionship and helping you to be involved in social activities.

Example Requests for Help

A parent with young children who needs help whilst they are recovering from an operation. Suddenly the parent who was looking after the children needs looking after themselves. In this scenario, often the partner or a friend will step in to look after the children and we help support the patient’s needs. Support could be just for a few weeks. We’re flexible on how we work with you.

An independent older person who needs support with running their house and shopping whilst they are recuperating from a hip replacement. Perhaps the person thought they would be able to walk out of hospital and manage whilst they were recuperating only to find they were struggling. Often people prefer to use our services rather than have to rely on friends and relatives who are already leading busy lives.

A partner of someone who is suffering from a stroke who needs just a little respite care to enable them to be able to continue caring for their loved one. Once a person comes out of hospital, rehabilitation is the next focus. It’s often a slow process and it’s hard being a supportive wife or husband at the same time as being their carer. It’s important you look after yourself so you can enjoy life and continue to give your best care.


Dementia Care


Stroke Care