Convalescent Live-in Care

Lillyfields Live-in Care is a family-owned care company that provides a home-based convalescent care service. We endeavour to ensure that clients and their families feel supported and always have one of our compassionate team to talk to about any questions or concerns they may have.

It’s invaluable that the right care package is available to support people to recover in their own home.

“Home is where the heart is”

Convalescent care….

A specialist care service in one’s own home that tends to be short-term. Rehabilitation with familiar surroundings, routines, home comforts and family & friends is usually much preferred over any alternatives.

It is often the case that people, particularly the elderly, require live-in convalescent care upon returning home from a stay in hospital. There are many conditions and situations where live-in convalescent care can allow a patient to recuperate at home, which includes recovery from:

  • Falls or injury 

  • Illness or Surgery 

  • Heart attack or stroke 

  • Covid 

  • Pneumonia 

  • Cancer treatment

Benefits of Live-In Convalescent Care


Convalescent Home Care Following Surgery


Recovering from surgery can be worrying and exhausting. It is essential during this time that the patient regains strength, endurance, ability and confidence whilst knowing that responsibilities within the home are in hand.  

Hip and knee replacements often require convalescent care to assist the patient in regaining mobility and support them whilst they may be receiving help such as physiotherapy. Live-in convalescent care reduces the potential of falls during the recuperation period whilst mobility is regained, reducing the likelihood of hospital readmission. 


Reablement Service


Reablement focuses on assisting discharged patients to gain or re-learn abilities and skills which may have been lost or reduced. It hones simple skills such as taking a shower and getting dressed but also looks at mobility and regaining confidence within everyday life.


Role of Live-in Convalescent Carer?


The ultimate goal of convalescent care provided in someone’s home is to guide, assist and facilitate, allowing the person recovering to achieve independent living once more.  

Permanent assistance can sometimes be required at either a low level or a more advanced level, and Lillyfields will provide a bespoke service tailored to the individual’s specific needs. 

Lillyfields live-in carers reassure our service users and their families by carrying out essential day-to-day tasks.

"Live-in convalescent care allows people discharged from hospital to receive care in the comfort of their own home."

Other Benefits of Live-In Convalescent Care

Hospital re-admission rates are increasing, and live-in convalescent care helps reduce this rate by allowing recovery within one’s own home rather than returning to the hospital. 

Recent strains on the NHS and healthcare systems mean that people are often discharged from hospitals quickly and sometimes prematurely. Live-in convalescent care helps to bridge this gap and allows discharged patients to focus on recovery. 

Those recovering at home often seek advice from their GP regarding their recovery. As we know, GPs are under immense strain and are often unable to carry out home visits. GP telephone consultations do not always provide the constant reassurance the patient may need whilst trying to cope at home after surgery or illness, where uncertainty and anxiety can mean the patient has many questions regarding their recovery. In these cases, home-based convalescent care is invaluable. Our experienced carers provide the patient with the support and reassurance needed at this challenging time and act as a link between home, family and healthcare professionals.