Our CQC Report.

At Lillyfields Care, we're committed to providing high-quality care and support to our clients. That's why we're proud to have received a positive report from the Care Quality Commission (CQC), the independent regulator of health and social care services in England.

Our latest CQC inspection found that we were providing safe, effective, caring, responsive, and well-led care to our clients. The inspection team noted that our caregivers were compassionate, respectful, and attentive to our client's needs and that our clients felt comfortable and secure in their care.

D Jones

“We're delighted with the positive findings of our latest CQC inspection.”

P Heddiker

“I have used other agencies in the past but have found Lillyfields the best.”

The report highlighted that our caregivers were well-trained and supported in their roles and that we had effective systems to monitor the quality of our care and respond to feedback from clients and their families. The inspection team also noted that we had taken steps to address any areas for improvement identified in previous inspections and that we had a positive and inclusive culture.

We're delighted with the positive findings of our latest CQC inspection, and we're committed to maintaining and improving the high standards of care that we provide. Our caregivers are the heart of our organisation, and we're dedicated to supporting them in their roles and providing them with the resources and training they need to excel in their work.

Contact us.

At Lillyfields Care, we believe that every client deserves high-quality, person-centered care and support, and we're proud to have received recognition from the CQC for our commitment to this mission. If you're looking for a care provider that you can trust to provide safe, effective, and compassionate care to you or your loved ones, then we encourage you to get in touch with us today.